Tracker functions

The Umami tracker exposes some functions that you can call on your website if you want more control over your tracking.

umami.trackEvent(event_name, [event_data], [url], [website_id])

Tracks an event with a given name.


umami.trackEvent('Signup button click', { type: 'signup', userId: 123 }, '/home', '94db1cb1-74f4-4a40-ad6c-962362670409');

You can optionally pass along event_data as a JSON object.

The url and website_id values are optional. They will default to the page url and data-website-id defined by the script.

umami.trackView(url, [referrer], [website_id])

Tracks a page view.


umami.trackView('/home', '', '94db1cb1-74f4-4a40-ad6c-962362670409');

The referrer and website_id values are optional. They will default to the page referrer and data-website-id defined by the script.