
Installing from source


  • A server with Node.js version 14 or newer
  • A database. Umami supports MySQL and Postgresql databases.

Install Yarn

npm install -g yarn

Get the source code and install packages

git clone
cd umami
yarn install

Configure umami

Create an .env file with the following

DATABASE_URL=(connection url)

The connection url is in the following format:



Build the application

yarn build

Create database tables

yarn update-db

This will also create a login account with username admin and password umami.

Start the application

yarn start

By default this will launch the application on http://localhost:3000. You will need to either proxy requests from your web server or change the port to serve the application directly.

Change your account password by clicking on the user icon in the menu then "Profile" to access profile page. Next click on "Change password" button.

Running Umami

You can simply run yarn start to start Umami, but it's highly recommended you use a process manager like PM2 which will handle restarts for you.

To run with PM2:

yarn global add pm2
cd umami
pm2 start yarn --name umami -- start 
pm2 startup
pm2 save

Installing with Docker

To build the umami container and start up a Postgres database, run:

docker-compose up

Alternatively, to pull just the Umami Docker image with PostgreSQL support:

docker pull

Or with MySQL support:

docker pull