Umami allows you to pull data directly by calling the API endpoints. The endpoints are available at http://<your-umami>/api. All data is returned as JSON.

Any operation you can do thorugh the Umami admin panel is available in the API, but it might not yet be documented.


POST /api/auth/login

First you need to get a token in order to make API requests. You need to make a POST request to the /api/auth/login endpoint with the following data:

  "username": "your-username",
  "password": "your-password"

If successful you should get a response like the following:

  "token": "eyTMjU2IiwiY...4Q0JDLUhWxnIjoiUE_A"

Save the token value and send an Authorization header with all your data requests with the value Bearer <token>. Your request header should look something like this:

Authorization: Bearer eyTMjU2IiwiY...4Q0JDLUhWxnIjoiUE_A

For example, with curl it would look like this:

curl https://yoursever/api/websites
   -H "Accept: application/json"
   -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"

Prior to v1.26.0, Umami used cookies. If using an older version, you would do the following instead:

Save the token value and pass it as a cookie with all your data requests. The cookie name is umami.auth. Your request header should look something like this:

Cookie: umami.auth=eyTMjU2IiwiY...4Q0JDLUhWxnIjoiUE_A


Operations around Websites that Umami is tracking.

POST /api/website

Creates a website.


  • domain: (string) The full domain of the tracked website
  • name: (string) The name of the website in Umami
  • enable_share_url: (boolean) Enables a public URL for the stats for this Website
  • public: (boolean) false by default

Sample response

    website_id: 4,
    website_uuid: "51f73213-3f01-4343-a135-25496a3ffd31",
    user_id: 2,
    name: "Umami",
    domain: "umami.is",
    share_id: "8PWex1pa",

GET /api/websites

Returns all tracked websites.



Sample response

        website_id: 4,
        website_uuid: "51f73213-3f01-4343-a135-25496a3ffd31",
        user_id: 2,
        name: "Umami",
        domain: "umami.is",
        share_id: "8PWex1pa",

Getting stats

There are several endpoints your can call to get stats for your website. All the stats endpoints require sending a GET request with the umami.auth authentication cookie.

GET /api/website/{id}/stats

Gets summarized website statistics.

Query Parameters

  • start_at: Timestamp (in ms) of starting date
  • end_at: Timestamp (in ms) of end date

Sample example

GET (with Authorization header) from url : https://umami.mydomain.com/api/website/1/stats?start_at=1656679719687&end_at=1656766119687

  pageviews: { value: 5, change: 5 },
  uniques: { value: 1, change: 1 },
  bounces: { value: 0, change: 0 },
  totaltime: { value: 4, change: 4 }
  • pageviews: Pages hits
  • uniques: Number of unique visitor
  • bounces: Number of returning visitor
  • totaltime : Time spent on the website

GET /api/website/{id}/pageviews

Gets pageviews within a given time range.


  • start_at: Timestamp (in ms) of starting date
  • end_at: Timestamp (in ms) of end date
  • unit: Time unit (year | month | hour | day)
  • tz: Timezone (ex. America/Los_Angeles)

Sample response

    pageviews: [
        {t: "2020-04-20 01:00:00", y: 3},
        {t: "2020-04-20 02:00:00", y: 7}
    sessions: [
        {t: "2020-04-20 01:00:00", y: 2},
        {t: "2020-04-20 02:00:00", y: 4}

GET /api/website/{id}/events

Gets events within a given time range.


  • start_at: Timestamp (in ms) of starting date
  • end_at: Timestamp (in ms) of end date
  • unit: Time unit (year | month | hour | day)
  • tz: Timezone (ex. America/Los_Angeles)

Sample response

    {x: "download-button", t: "2020-04-20 02:00:00", y: 2},
    {x: "signup-button", t: "2020-04-20 02:00:00", y: 1}

GET /api/website/{id}/metrics

Gets metrics for a given time range.


  • start_at: Timestamp (in ms) of starting date
  • end_at: Timestamp (in ms) of end date
  • type: Metrics type (url | referrer | browser | os | device | country | event)

Sample response

    {x: "/", y: 46}
    {x: "/docs", y: 17}
    {x: "/download", y: 14}

Sending stats

POST /api/collect

To register a pageview or event, you need to send a POST to /api/collect with the following data:

    payload: {
        website: "your-website-id",
        url: "/",
        referrer: "",
        hostname: "your-hostname",
        language: "en-US",
        screen: "1920x1080",
    type: "pageview"

For events you would send:

    payload: {
        website: "your-website-id",
        url: "/",
        event_type: "click",
        event_value: "signup-button",
        hostname: "your-hostname",
        language: "en-US",
        screen: "1920x1080"
    type: "event"

Note, for /api/collect requests you do not need to send an authentication token.

Also, you need to send a proper User-Agent HTTP header or your request won't be registered.