Own your website analytics

Umami is an open source, privacy-focused
alternative to Google Analytics

Respect data privacy

Umami lets you to gather the data you need while respecting the privacy of your users. Umami does not collect any personal information, does not use cookies, does not track users across websites, and is GDPR compliant.

Best of all, you don't need to display an annoying cookie notice.

Own your data

Umami helps you stay compliant with ever changing data privacy laws. All data collected is anonymized, making it impossible to identify any individual user. Rest assured knowing that your data is securely in your hands.

Simple analytics

Umami is easy to use and understand without needing to run complicated reports. Umami collects only the metrics you care about and everything fits on a single page.

Open source

Umami is dedicated to open source development. Place your confidence in a product that is fully transparent, battle-tested and community supported.

GitHub stars

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